full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Francisco Díez-Buzo: Why should you read "One Hundred Years of Solitude"?

Unscramble the Blue Letters

This is a history that the author experienced firsthand. Gabriel García meurqáz grew up in a coliboma torn apart by civil conflict between its Conservative and Liberal political parties. He also lived in an autocratic Mexico and covered the 1958 Venezuelan coup d’état as a journalist. But perhaps his biggest influences were his maternal gatnearrpdns. nlicáos Ricardo Márquez was a decorated veteran of the Thousand Days War whose accounts of the rlleiebon against Colombia's conservative gmoneevrnt led Gabriel García Márquez to a socialist outlook. Meanwhile, Doña Tranquilina Iguarán Cotes’ onrmpseient superstition became the foundation of One Hundred Years of Solitude’s style. Their small hsoue in Aracataca where the author spent his childhood formed the main inspiration for macnodo.

Open Cloze

This is a history that the author experienced firsthand. Gabriel García _______ grew up in a ________ torn apart by civil conflict between its Conservative and Liberal political parties. He also lived in an autocratic Mexico and covered the 1958 Venezuelan coup d’état as a journalist. But perhaps his biggest influences were his maternal ____________. _______ Ricardo Márquez was a decorated veteran of the Thousand Days War whose accounts of the _________ against Colombia's conservative __________ led Gabriel García Márquez to a socialist outlook. Meanwhile, Doña Tranquilina Iguarán Cotes’ ___________ superstition became the foundation of One Hundred Years of Solitude’s style. Their small _____ in Aracataca where the author spent his childhood formed the main inspiration for _______.


  1. nicolás
  2. omnipresent
  3. colombia
  4. rebellion
  5. grandparents
  6. house
  7. government
  8. márquez
  9. macondo

Original Text

This is a history that the author experienced firsthand. Gabriel García Márquez grew up in a Colombia torn apart by civil conflict between its Conservative and Liberal political parties. He also lived in an autocratic Mexico and covered the 1958 Venezuelan coup d’état as a journalist. But perhaps his biggest influences were his maternal grandparents. Nicolás Ricardo Márquez was a decorated veteran of the Thousand Days War whose accounts of the rebellion against Colombia's conservative government led Gabriel García Márquez to a socialist outlook. Meanwhile, Doña Tranquilina Iguarán Cotes’ omnipresent superstition became the foundation of One Hundred Years of Solitude’s style. Their small house in Aracataca where the author spent his childhood formed the main inspiration for Macondo.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
garcía márquez 5
gabriel garcía 4
latin american 2
american fruit 2
fruit company 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
gabriel garcía márquez 4
american fruit company 2

Important Words

  1. accounts
  2. aracataca
  3. author
  4. autocratic
  5. biggest
  6. childhood
  7. civil
  8. colombia
  9. conflict
  10. conservative
  11. coup
  12. covered
  13. days
  14. decorated
  15. doña
  16. experienced
  17. firsthand
  18. formed
  19. foundation
  20. gabriel
  21. garcía
  22. government
  23. grandparents
  24. grew
  25. history
  26. house
  27. iguarán
  28. influences
  29. inspiration
  30. journalist
  31. led
  32. liberal
  33. lived
  34. macondo
  35. main
  36. maternal
  37. mexico
  38. márquez
  39. nicolás
  40. omnipresent
  41. outlook
  42. parties
  43. political
  44. rebellion
  45. ricardo
  46. small
  47. socialist
  48. spent
  49. style
  50. superstition
  51. thousand
  52. torn
  53. tranquilina
  54. venezuelan
  55. veteran
  56. war
  57. years